Support us

Complete the application form to become a member
  • Your application for membership will be accepted upon receipt in our bank account of the membership fee.
  • The annual membership fee is at least € 15.
  • You can transfer money to BE80 8601 0494 4177 - BIC: NICABEBB - Fort Eben-Emael
  • Please state your name, first name and the message 'new member' in the message of your transfer.


Become a member of the fort

Your support plays a vital role in keeping the history of Fort Eben-Emael alive. For more than 35 years, the generosity of many people has helped us to look after the fort and the memory of the people who have served and sacrificed here. With your support we can continue this vital work, and preserve this precious place for everyone, for ever.


By joining Fort Eben-Emael as a member you can make a direct contribution to the maintenance, preservation and restoration of the fort.

In return for a minimum yearly membership fee of €15 you will enjoy discounted access each time you visit us and will receive our membership newsletter ‘Castrum’ (Dutch/French only).


At least two maintenance and work days in and around the fort are organised each year. By volunteering on these days, you put your membership into practice and make a real contribution to the upkeep of the fort. Each workday ends with a special visit or presentation about the fort or the Second World War in general.


Thanks to your contribution and commitment, we will keep history alive!


Make a donation

In 2021 we launched a project to redevelop a number of rooms in our museum area and to open up additional bunkers that have not seen daylight since WW2.  As a charity, we rely on your donations to ensure that as many people as possible can enjoy the fort, objects and landscape that tell the story of this unique military heritage site.


For Belgian taxpayers:

Anyone who makes a one-off or regular donation of a minimum of €40 by bank transfer to account number BE80 7330 5894 1977 (heritage account in the name of Herita) with the message ‘gift Fort Eben-Emael’ will automatically receive a tax certificate.
This enables you to recover 45% of the value of your donation via tax relief on your personal income tax.
So a donation of €100, will only cost you €55.

We need your help

The fort's master plan provides for the opening of several new museum rooms and a significant expansion of the museum collection. With your support, you contribute to the preservation of the fort's exceptional heritage and a significant part of contemporary world history. All projects are related to the history of the fort and the surrounding region. We are therefore primarily looking for exhibition material that fits in

  • the Belgian mobilisation period, military uniforms and equipment from the period 1935 – 1940, linked to the units involved in the battle for the 3 bridges over the Albert Canal and the fort: 7th Infantry Division, 18th Line Regiment, 2nd Grenadier Regiment, 2nd Carabinier Regiment, Border Cyclists Detachment Lanaken, 14th and 20th Artillery Regiment, 6th and 21st Engineer Battalion.
  • the fort garrison, armament and equipment of the fort,
  • the German preparation and training for the attack on the fort,
  • the attack on the fort and the region,
  • the civilian casualties in the region,
  • the battles at the bridges of Kanne, Vroenhoven and Veldwezelt,
  • the counterattacks/air attacks on the 3 bridges, by both the Belgian and Allied air forces,
  • the fate of the soldiers of the fort garrison after the attack: the dead, the wounded, the prisoners of war,
  • the German occupation of the region and the German presence in the fort,
  • the resistance in the region and the fate of the resistance members who were part of the fort garrison in 1939-1940,
  • the liberation of the fort and the region.


If you have objects, photos, documentation, stories linked to the fort or the themes mentioned, and you wish to lend, donate or possibly sell them to the fort, please contact our curator Tom Hendrikx on +32 (0)4 286 286 1 or +32 (0)470 01 93 09 or send an e-mail to If your donation is accepted, the fort will draw up a loan or donation agreement. By supporting us, you contribute to the preservation of the exceptional heritage of the fort and a significant part of contemporary world history.

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