Information/ FAQ


Temperature and clothing

The underground barracks and the museum are heated. In the corridors, bunkers, casemates and cupolas there is a constant temperature of 11°C.

A sweater or jacket is highly recommended, even in summer. We also recommend closed shoes.


Thematic visits : please wear sturdy clothing.

Outdoor visits : please wear clothing appropriate for the weather conditions.


We do our utmost to receive our visitors in Dutch, French, German and English.

However, it is not always possible for all our staff to speak all four languages.

The daily individual tours in ad-hoc groups are offered in Dutch and French. We also regularly offer these tours in German and English.

All other tours are available in Dutch, French, German, English and Spanish, subject to prior reservation.

School visits can be organised in Dutch, French, German and English, subject to prior reservation.


Dogs are welcome, provided:

  • they are kept on a lead by an adult at all times, and
  • the dog does not cause any nuisance to other visitors and/or the staff of Fort Eben-Emael.


It is important that dogs remain under control at all times to ensure a safe and pleasant environment for everyone.


The adult visitor accompanying the dog is obliged to clean up any dog poop immediately and to inform the ticket office. Equipment to remove dog poop is available at the ticket office.


Visitors remain fully liable at all times for any damage or injury caused by their dogs to the fort, other visitors and staff.


We take electronic payment (Payconiq, Euro debit cards, Mastercard, Visa) and cash.


Alternative means of payment are only allowed if agreed in advance and in writing with the admin office.


Tickets purchased in advance via the Fort's website or via a third-party website will not be refunded.


Tickets are only valid on the date chosen by the visitor at the time of purchase.

Photography and Filming

Image and sound recordings for private use by visitors are permitted, provided that other visitors are not disturbed.


Image and sound recordings for professional or commercial purposes are only permitted with prior written permission from the management of Fort Eben-Emael. Any request for professional recordings must be submitted well in advance to .


All recordings must be respectful of the history and heritage of the Fort. Recordings that do not fit this theme or that have a purely entertainment character are not allowed in principle.


The association

Fort Eben-Emael is a charity founded in 1986 which aims to study, preserve, restore, protect, manage and commercially exploit the fort and its heritage. Furthermore, the association also stands for continuing the remembrance activities in honour of the veterans of the fort garrison.


Since 2017, Fort Eben-Emael has been part of the Heritage Council of the War Heritage Institute (WHI). The WHI's mission is to enhance the Belgian military heritage and the memory of armed conflicts on Belgian territory or conflicts involving Belgians abroad.


The fort and surroundings are still military land and are owned by the Belgian Ministry of Defence.


The guides

The fort has its own staff of more than 80 guides. We offer guided tours in Dutch, French, English, German and Spanish. All guides have undergone appropriate training and have passed both theoretical and practical tests. They hold a guide's licence.

All guides are volunteers and give guided tours on a voluntary basis. Their motivation and commitment allows thousands of visitors to discover the fort and experience its history each year.


Visitors are of course free to tip their guide if they wish.

Becoming a member of the association

Your visit


Spacious and free parking for cars, coaches, motorcycles and bicycles.

The distance from the car park to the entrance is 150m.

From the entrance to the ticket office is a further 200m.

Address details

Rue du Fort 40

B-4690 Eben-Emael / Bassenge


Opening times

Individual visits

  • From the start of the February half-term holiday until 31 Mar: Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 10am to 5pm. Last admission at 2.30pm.
  • From 1 Apr to 30 Nov: Tuesdays to Sundays from 10am to 5pm. Last admission at 2.30pm.
  • Dec: Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 10am to 5pm. Last admission at 2.30pm.
  • Winter break from the end of the Christmas holidays until the start of the following February half-term holiday.


Private visits, groups and schools:

  • Every day from 9:30am, Sundays from 10am.


Closed on:

  • all Mondays that are not public holidays in Belgium.
  • Easter Sunday.
  • 24, 25 and 26 December.
  • 31 December, 1 and 2 January
  • two maintainance days per year ( click here for the yearly planner).
Mobility and accessibility

The underground barracks and the museum are accessible for wheelchair users. There is a lift to the corridor system on the middle floor. Part of this corridor system is accessible for wheelchair users, but assistance is required. The bunkers are unfortunately not accessible for wheelchair users. Due to the many stairs, visiting a bunker is not recommended for people with heart problems or limited mobility.


Public transport

The fort is difficult to reach by public transport.



Service numbers 16, 76 and 101 of the Walloon transport company TEC visit Eben-Emael daily. More information at

Service numbers 397 and 908 of the Flemish transport company De Lijn only run through Eben-Emael on weekdays. More information on



Visé train station 10 km

Tongeren train station 20 km

Maastricht (NL) train station 10 km


Governing body

Alain Pelzer – Chairperson

Marcel Verhasselt – Vice-Chairperson

Marc Saenen - Treasurer

René Wagemans - Secretary

Guy Bastiaens – Director

Arno Brouns - Director

Patrick Coeck - Director

Bart Cordens - Director

Bart Geraerts – Director

Yves Haepers – Director

Johan Mercken - Director

François Raskin – Director

Serge Schreder - Director

Joost Vaesen, Phd. – Director


Management representative

Tom Hendrikx – Manager and curator of the museum


Day-to-day management

Alain Pelzer – Member of the Executive Board

Marcel Verhasselt – Member of the Executive Board

Marc Saenen - Member of the Executive Board

René Wagemans - Member of the Executive Board

Tom Hendrikx – Member of the Executive Board



Tom Hendrikx – Manager and curator of the museum



Phone: +32 (0)4 286 28 61


Bank / VAT

VAT and company number

BE 0433.501.512

Bank details

Account number: BE80 8601 0494 4177 – BIC: NICABEBB

In collaboration with

Nationale Loterij
Federation Wallonie-Bruxelles
Visit Wallonia